Do I have to be a CSA member to buy from you?
Nope! The reason we opened an online farm store was so that EVERYONE could have access to our farm fresh food. In the winter months we are open every other week for orders to be placed online and in the summer months we are open weekly. To sign up for the farm store email list visit here

When and Where does on-farm pickup take place?
Pick-up takes place on Tuesday afternoons 2-6 pm here at the farm in Eagleville. For your convenience we offer pull-through pickup. Enter on the house side of the road through the farm gate next to our mailbox and follow the signs to our pickup location.
Our address is 2397 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville TN 37060
Is your produce organic?
While we are not "certified" organic, we do adhere to organic growing standards. Our growing methods keep the plants and soil as healthy as possible so that we don't have to spray with pesticides. Herbicides are never used on our farm. If we do encounter a pest issue, we will use a certified organic method of control.

What seasons are vegetables available for purchase?
All of them! We grow and sell vegetables year round from our farm through our online farm store as well as our Fall and Winter CSA. We also sell to restaurants in the Nashville area.

Do you offer beef for sale in retail cuts?
Not at this time. We do offer our grass-fed beef in quarters, halves and wholes as available seasonally. However, most years we sell out very quickly.

Do you have farm animals we can pet when we visit?
Since Rocky Glade is a working farm, we do not offer farm tours during pickup times. However, our farm cat Manxie is usually around if you know where to look. However, like most cats, she is pretty choosy about who gets to pet her.

Do you only grow vegetables?
Our son Justin is currently learning to grow flowers starting with warm season flowers and soon expanding into cool season as well as dried flowers. Seasonal Bouquets are available through our online farm store.

How do you have produce for sale all year long?
During the summer months we grow large amounts of winter squash, sweet potatoes, garlic, radishes, carrots, cabbages and other vegetables that will keep well if properly stored. In addition to storage items we also grow fresh greens such as kale, lettuces and greens in our passive solar hoophouses and tunnels during the winter months.

Do you grow herbs?
YES we do! We offer seasonal herbs through our online farm store as well as herbal products like our anti-everything and comfrey salves.

Do you have honey for sale?
We love our bees at RGF! We harvest honey in late July/August and have it available for sale as long as it lasts--which isn't long! We offer our honey in quarts as well as no-mess one pound squeeze bottles as well as healthy propolis sprays and other bee-related items.